Tuesday 31 January 2017

"Requiem for a Dream"

''Requiem for a dream'' a wonderful movie of the 2000 directed by Darren Aronofsky, with Jared Leto in the role of the main character Harry Goldfarb, Jennifer Connelly who is Harry's girlfriend Marion Silver, Te'Ron A. O'Neal Tyrone C.Love Harry's best friend and Ellen Burstyn Sara Goldfarb who is Harry's mother. They are trapped in a life full of delusion and desperation. Harry, Marion and Tyrone are drug addicted who just want to be happy having fun and always find out a way to get drugs. Sara Goldfarb, in the beginning seems just to be the typical old mother alone, who try to take care to her own son, also if she knows which kind of life he conducts. One day she received a call from her favourite TV game show and since this moment she start a diet pills to  lost weight and wear again her a ''red dress'' she wore when she was young. In this way she became addicted and begin a nightmare with hallucinations in which food is her enemy. Moreover, also the lives of the three friends who tried to do a business without success, became a sadness tunnel with no way out. The camera technique with rapid track, jump cuts, distorted images and split screen emphasize the excitement of the characters when they take drugs. The dubstep music with these shocked images underline their lives out of control, as in a ''rave party''.  This movie is strong enough to demonstrate how bad is doing this lifestyle, and how is difficult to escape from this bad dream. The most shocked story is about Harry's mother, Sara an old woman who created a parallel life where she is famous, young and happy, instead she lost her mind after the pills diet and she lost everything. Aronofosky portrays the mental illness of the characters in a perfect way. He want to underline how these people feeling their dream and how they would like to be. All of them just want to be happy! But they don't know how achieve happiness. This was a revolutionary movie about this sensitive topic, in which shocked scenes are used to draw the ''status'' of the characters but always with a particular sensibility.

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